Exciting New Book Release – They Serve Like We Lead

I am absolutely delighted to share with you all that my second book, ‘They Serve Like We Lead - How to Take Care of Your People, So They Take Care Of Your Customers’ will be released early this year. Over the break, I spent my holidays finishing the book that I have always wanted to write and it is now in the hands of my amazing Editor, Jenny.

In the early years of my practice, I focused on frontline customer service training workshops. And course after course, people would talk about how much the leader impacted their ability to be able to look after the customer. I remember one day, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. It didn't matter what I did with the frontline, it was always going to be the impact of leadership that would ultimately make the biggest difference to both the customer experience and the team.

And so began my passion and great love for service leadership and working with organisations and leaders to focus on taking care of their people. Through my Service Leadership workshops, I have further recognised the critical role of leaders in building a service culture and the link between employee and customer experience. More than ever, in the current world that we are living in, care of people is so important. This includes care of the team, care of customers, care of self, and care for our community. How leaders care for their teams will have a huge impact not only on the customer experience but also on attracting and also retaining talent.

My new book is designed to be a really practical guide going deep into the application of all of the principles of service leadership. And it is my greatest joy to share this news with you all first. I can't wait to share more with you over the upcoming weeks, including the release date, pre-orders, and also the upcoming book launch. I want to thank you all for inspiring this book. It has been the work that I have done with the customer service community, both the frontline and leaders that have inspired every word that was written in this book.

I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


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