The Power Of Proactive Service

Last week, I went into my local coffee shop, Bin 3 to get my dear Mum a take away coffee. I had one of those moments where my mind went blank and I couldn’t remember her order (in my defence it is an extra hot, wet chai latte with lactose free milk!).

As I spoke with Ebony, the barista, she said to me with reassurance, “Don’t worry, I know it can be confusing, I have her regular order right here” and whipped out her phone where the details of my Mum’s coffee order were stored.

I was deeply touched that Ebony had taken the time to make note of this. What she didn’t know, was how much this would mean to Mum, having her right coffee as she had spent hours and nights on a chair, next to her eldest sister, who she promised she wouldn’t leave her side, until her last breath.

It was Martin Luther King Jr. that said,

Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve...You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
— Martin Luther King Jr.

Customer service professionals play a crucial role in shaping the customer experience. It is vital for them to recognise the importance of their work each day. Taking a moment to reflect on how their efforts contribute to customer satisfaction can profoundly impact the individuals they serve. Embracing this purpose consciously at the start of each day can transform their perspective, making their work more than just tasks to complete or processes to follow. Each day presents an opportunity to brighten someone's day, enhance their experience, or even change their life. Their actions have the potential to create ripples that extend far beyond the confines of the workplace. Every interaction is a chance to make a positive difference. With intention and compassion, embracing this responsibility can lead to significant outcomes.

I have spent this week with an amazing team delivering a bespoke workshop on proactive service.  Proactive communication, proactive relationship building and proactive service recovery. A proactive service mindset is anticipating customer needs and anticipating issues before they arise. It is taking initiative, enhancing experiences and building stronger relationships through thoughtful and pre-emptive service actions.

My interaction with Ebony was a living, breathing example of the difference this mindset can make. Her attention to detail not only made my day easier but also touched both mine and my mother's heart during a very challenging time.

It is clear that every small act of service contributes to a larger story of care and connection.


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